Scary Monster Pictures: 7 Never Before Seen Images

Scary Monster Pictures


Are you looking for scary monster pictures that are brand new and haven’t ever been seen before? Well, in this article that is exactly what we are going to see. Creepy faces, gross creatures, dragon like animals, and more. All of your scary monster picture needs are sure to be thoroughly satisfied right here.



Right here, in this article, you get to see some of the newest and scariest pictures of scary monsters that the internet has to offer. There are faces of humanoids with sharp teeth fish mouths and alien looking bunny rabbit spin offs, but all of them are scary pictures.


Let’s get to the scary pictures and fulfill that need for the weird and mysterious.

Piranha Mouth Lady Monster:

Scary monster pictures

Big brown eyes opened as wide as they can be and either fear or rage written across the face of this humanoid creature, the part that stands out the most is actually the mouth. The mouth of this creature is protruding out from its face and sporting many sharp teeth. The creature doesn’t actually have a nose in a traditional sense, but the mouth is so large that it takes up the space for a nose as well as the normal location for an average mouth.

It is unclear if the marks on the face of this creature are freckles or blood from its victims, but either way it is the least of your worries if you find yourself face to face with this demon spawn from hell. One way to look at it is being thankful this isn’t your wife or girlfriend.

The Alien Rabbit Monster:

Scary monster pictures

This rabbit look a like hails from a different planet other than our big blue marble. It has grotesque features and odd features all over its face and body. This is not your usual rabbit, or whatever you want to call it, but it still slightly resembles one.

The large shiny eyes and wild waving whiskers add to the overall potential for cuteness from this disgusting creature. This only multiplies the scariness of the creature because of the feel that it is supposed to be something cute and cuddly. It is a creepy little bugger, and I would never want to see one in the real world.

Tiny Water Dragon Monster:

Scary monster pictures

This picture of a bulging eyed little demon is unsettling to say the least. The long gangly teeth are razor sharp and haphazardly hanging out of the mouth of this monster. It looks like something from a Jurassic Park movie or a tall tale about little man-eating water dragons.

Dragon may not be the most fitting term for this creature, but it is maybe one of the closer titles you can find to describe what it is you see here. The colors of this little things skin are the only appealing part about it as its skin and scales are aqua blue and tan.

Uncategorizable Monster:

Scary monster pictures

There isn’t an animal on Earth that could easily be compared to this creature. That being said, this alien looking animal has large bulging eyes like a lizard and whiskers like a squirrel. It also has rough scaly skin like a lizard again, but ears like that of a baby bunny rabbit.

This picture is not of a large creature, but instead it shows us a smaller scary monster. It would be really messed up to see a whole hoard of these little things barreling towards you out for blood and flesh. There are few sights that could possibly out due that as a scary picture in one’s mind.

Baby Piranha Humanoid Monster:

Scary monster pictures

This must be a picture of the first creature in this articles baby. It has similar large brown eyes and a protruding fish like mouth with a full set of razor-sharp teeth. It doesn’t even look like this creature has developed a body just yet, as it seems to be floating weightlessly in water.  

It possibly could even be a picture of the creature from before during its adolescent years of life. The monster could even have Benjamin Buttons Disease, and this could be it nearing the end of its lifecycle. Who really knows, but no matter what; this monster is scary looking for absolute sure.

Fat Star Wars Monster:

Scary monster pictures

You can try all you want, but you know this monster looks like a lien from the Star Wars movies. It looks round like a bowling ball and has no neck. It is featured with a walking stick of sorts but is so fat that it seems difficult for it to even move with the aid of the cane.

There are some added little touches to this picture like the people walking in the background. This monster must not be that dangerous for other people to be walking around near it. Its face/ cheeks are as big as around 75% of it’s head, which leads you to think about the fact that it could most certainly eat your face with one swift bite.

Daddy Dragon Monster:

Scary monster pictures

The earlier dragon in this article may be the baby to this dragon here in this picture. This dragon looks massive, and has a huge mouth filled with long sharp teeth to round off the arsenal of scare factor that is emanating from this beast. The colors on this creature are similar to the smaller dragon creature as well as the overall look of it.

This upscaled dragon monster is not one to mess with, as it looks to be able to destroy anything in its path with a single sweep of its body or flick of its massive pointy teeth. You would be better off running face first into a speeding train that finding yourself in a fight for your life against this scary monster in this picture.

Recap & Summary:

You came looking for pictures of scary monsters, and you found some of the scariest on the internet. Not only that, but all of these pictures are original and never before seen until this article on our website. It is amazing what kind of art we can create with technology now-a-days.

These scary monster pictures are sure to stand out, whether it’s the smaller ones that creep you out, or the bigger ones that look more dangerous than a speeding bullet; they all will give you a level of freight just by looking at them.

If you enjoyed this article and you want to see more pictures and articles like this one, you can find more here.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )
Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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